Only thing I can say is thank you! For being a healer, a protector, and a peacemaker. And speaking of peace, I just had to share this. First of all I have information that I know will be useful to many people. Why God has given me this ministry is because of my faith in Him.
When I am confronted with a trial or life threating situation, I always remember the word of God, (i.e.)(1) seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added (2)ask and you will receive (3) be still and know that I am God (5) in my Father's house there are many mansions (6) and on the six day He created mankind in His own image (7)the body has many members, but there is only one spirit, and (8) He anoints my head with oil, my cup runs over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (9) and this just came to me as I am writing this; do not be only a hearer of the word, but do what it says, because if you only hear the word you are like the evildoer who looks in the mirror, goes away and forget who he is, but if you do the work you will be successful in whatever you do.
Now that I have given you some Word, let me give you some of my proof that it is beneficial to stay connected to the Lord. And to know that he is with those He loves and is always working as an intercessor on our behalf. Two weeks ago tomorrow I was diagnosed with "high blood sugar". My initial reaction was disappointment and my eyes were filled with tears. I saw both my mother and father suffer the results of #diabetes. My mom died of stroke, and dad even though he lived to be 94 years old, the last years of his life was very painful, suffering amputations.
Knowing all of the above, and even giving God the glory for previously healing me of cancer, I still found myself overweight, and ignoring the signs of diabetes, swollen feet, tingling leg pain, easy bruising and discolorations in my face and other areas of the skin.
When we are consumed with only our own selfish desires we can lose track that there is work to be done in the kingdom, in the house of prayer, in the body with fellow believers. It was easy for me to ignore the signs as maybe something trivial because I was #exercising and playing tennis, not as much as I had in the past, but somewhat regularly. But tennis in itself will bring out the worst in one. If you are overweight and your feet are hurting and you are still thinking you should win, even though the person across the net is fit and lean, then that is a sign that you may be in denial.
Another warning sign for me was I was not using the resources the Lord has given me for his benefit. The Lord was telling me, you can do better, and your emotions should be consistent with a person who has the joy of the Lord. The fact that I was not happy, but just being satisfied with the status quo was not giving God the credit he was due for all the amazing things he has done in my past, present, and my expectation for the future
Well, with all the #Obamacare news of reform and repeal, I thought I better get a check up before things changed for the worst. So in the end number 45 has done something good by sounding the #trumpet and getting people's attention (the Lord works in mysterious ways).
Immediately after the doctor gave me my test results, I was alone, getting into my car, going to the pharmacy. With tears in my eyes I just sat outside the doctor's office for about 10 minutes. I was about to call my husband when the fattest dove I have ever seen (probably pregnant with peace) flew in to the grass just in front of my car. God was letting me know, I was not alone, He was with me. And the peace of God came upon me and I was able to think clear enough to make a short video that I will post here at the end. I felt good about things until I got home and started taking my prescription, #Metformin. I was given 30 tablets. I could only handle 3. I broke out with most awful rash I have ever seen in my life.
This is why I know that this is God working it out for my benefit. And also this just brought to mind that it is (10) better to give than to receive. This will benefit my followers. Some of you have not been diagnosed yet, while others may be suffering with outdated information and medications.
Finally, I would like to share the information that I have researched and paid for, and applying to my health. Anyone who has specific questions about my experience or need for updated information on diet, I will send to you as a gift from God. I can tell you that it is a new way of looking at the problem and cure of "high blood sugar". I am not a doctor, and I am not selling anything. I paid for the information and using it at my own risk. I do think it will work, for me. I am very focused and will see my doctor within this week to get my levels checked again. I have lost 9 pounds over the past 2 weeks. Thanks for reading. Isn't God good? Yes, he is, all the time! He is an on time God!
Check out the video
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When I am confronted with a trial or life threating situation, I always remember the word of God, (i.e.)(1) seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added (2)ask and you will receive (3) be still and know that I am God (5) in my Father's house there are many mansions (6) and on the six day He created mankind in His own image (7)the body has many members, but there is only one spirit, and (8) He anoints my head with oil, my cup runs over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (9) and this just came to me as I am writing this; do not be only a hearer of the word, but do what it says, because if you only hear the word you are like the evildoer who looks in the mirror, goes away and forget who he is, but if you do the work you will be successful in whatever you do.
Now that I have given you some Word, let me give you some of my proof that it is beneficial to stay connected to the Lord. And to know that he is with those He loves and is always working as an intercessor on our behalf. Two weeks ago tomorrow I was diagnosed with "high blood sugar". My initial reaction was disappointment and my eyes were filled with tears. I saw both my mother and father suffer the results of #diabetes. My mom died of stroke, and dad even though he lived to be 94 years old, the last years of his life was very painful, suffering amputations.
Knowing all of the above, and even giving God the glory for previously healing me of cancer, I still found myself overweight, and ignoring the signs of diabetes, swollen feet, tingling leg pain, easy bruising and discolorations in my face and other areas of the skin.
When we are consumed with only our own selfish desires we can lose track that there is work to be done in the kingdom, in the house of prayer, in the body with fellow believers. It was easy for me to ignore the signs as maybe something trivial because I was #exercising and playing tennis, not as much as I had in the past, but somewhat regularly. But tennis in itself will bring out the worst in one. If you are overweight and your feet are hurting and you are still thinking you should win, even though the person across the net is fit and lean, then that is a sign that you may be in denial.
Another warning sign for me was I was not using the resources the Lord has given me for his benefit. The Lord was telling me, you can do better, and your emotions should be consistent with a person who has the joy of the Lord. The fact that I was not happy, but just being satisfied with the status quo was not giving God the credit he was due for all the amazing things he has done in my past, present, and my expectation for the future
Well, with all the #Obamacare news of reform and repeal, I thought I better get a check up before things changed for the worst. So in the end number 45 has done something good by sounding the #trumpet and getting people's attention (the Lord works in mysterious ways).
Immediately after the doctor gave me my test results, I was alone, getting into my car, going to the pharmacy. With tears in my eyes I just sat outside the doctor's office for about 10 minutes. I was about to call my husband when the fattest dove I have ever seen (probably pregnant with peace) flew in to the grass just in front of my car. God was letting me know, I was not alone, He was with me. And the peace of God came upon me and I was able to think clear enough to make a short video that I will post here at the end. I felt good about things until I got home and started taking my prescription, #Metformin. I was given 30 tablets. I could only handle 3. I broke out with most awful rash I have ever seen in my life.
This is why I know that this is God working it out for my benefit. And also this just brought to mind that it is (10) better to give than to receive. This will benefit my followers. Some of you have not been diagnosed yet, while others may be suffering with outdated information and medications.
Finally, I would like to share the information that I have researched and paid for, and applying to my health. Anyone who has specific questions about my experience or need for updated information on diet, I will send to you as a gift from God. I can tell you that it is a new way of looking at the problem and cure of "high blood sugar". I am not a doctor, and I am not selling anything. I paid for the information and using it at my own risk. I do think it will work, for me. I am very focused and will see my doctor within this week to get my levels checked again. I have lost 9 pounds over the past 2 weeks. Thanks for reading. Isn't God good? Yes, he is, all the time! He is an on time God!
Check out the video
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