Hi everyone! We at Promise Seed CDC, Inc and Promise Seed Marketplace are trying to make all our sites more "mobile ready". I just completed the "Network For Good" WebEx Event, "Nonprofit 911, How to get Donations on the Go", and we need your help. If you like the work we are doing in "civic engagement" and grassroots "community economic development", join us at causes.com, facebook, twitter, linkedin, and youtube. Joining our cause is free and we have done everything possible to make your sharing experience secure and seamless. Check us out now at http://www.causes.com/causes/PromiseseedCorp . Let us know if you have any problems connecting with us on your mobile phone. We welcome your suggestions and thanks so much for your support. Promise Seed CDC, Inc is a 501 C-3 tax exempt not for profit corporation in Jackson, TN 38301.
This title may not fit what I am about to say, but I am hearing the word "Authentic" a lot in the "social media" circles. Unless I take into an account those very few persons that I believe have not heard the truth, I could spend a life time qualifying every statement I make. I love the concept of "Organic Food and Wholelistic Living". In some ways this is a real part of "Living The Promise Seed Life". But the authentic truth of the "Promise Seed" is that it is the only way to real peace. There are no variables, the answer is absolute. Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life". To the pure, all things are pure, but to the corrupt, all things are crooked or corrupt.
As the mother of an Autistic Son, and a rebellious son, I offered this comment to the question of whether or not Autism is caused by pesticides or whether it's cause is enviromental. Here's my reply: "Environmental means everything (inside the body and outside the body. It means that it is imperitive that we as parents, teachers, and doctors must first recognize what is so precious and delicate about life; that there are so many variables that only faith in God is the answer. With that said we know that what we put in our bodies is very important, but not just food. The environment involves clean air, clean and positive lanuage (teachings). Noise pollution whether it is bad teaching or mfg noise affects our being. The environment includes everything, the problem is getting us people to own up to the role we all play in the problem. And until we confess that we have disected our need for purity, love and unity, and concentrated so on the individual (label or symptom) that we now call people that are soft spoken, withdrawn(?) or not like our mfged meaning of normal, we call mental retarded or autistic. My son was given all these labels even before he had a chance to go to school and be taught. I have two sons one called autistic, one called rebellious. I know the cause of both because I birthed them, have lived with them. I also know that their environment has involved other people (teachers, preachers, social workers, peers, doctors, authorities, employers, and a whole bunch of man made systems that are contrary to productive living. So we are in this environment where our corrupt minds and deeds not only effect our food but our whole concept of being-- authentic beings in a relationship with our creator. I didn't start out to write all of this, but God..... Please comment: not on Autism if you're not living a life effected by it; but what causes us to confuse "Truth and Authenticity" with mere "Perception and Symptoms" Living The Promise Seed Life involves making commitments and keeping them. Giving your word, walking the walk and all that's implied when we say we walk by faith. Today we point out that Promise Seed is about keeping the Unity of the Faith through providing assistance to "Causes" other than our own. It's about reaching out to people beyond your neighborhood, local community, state, and even your nation. So that's why Promise Seed Marketplace and Lezah Rous Edwards are featuring "Causes" the Network here and in our circles of friends. We have chosen "Civic Engagement" as our primary cause, along with seven others that we will feature daily for a whole week (Seven Causes, Seven Reasons to Unite). Look for this in up and coming blog post! Let me know what your favorite "Cause" is and which of our seven you would like to participate in. You can get started by following this link: http://www.causes.com and select "Civic Engagement, and look for Promise Seed Marketplace
AuthorI am Hazel Edwards Chism, Community Activist, and Founder of Promise Seed CDC, Inc., a tax exempt not for profit in Tennessee. Archives
January 2025