6/18/2011 09:37:33 am
Since I do not have a spirit of fear...I am just jumping in and getting this blog started! The most important thing in life is to please my creator, that gives my life meaning. How do you please God? Is anybody listening? Let me hear from you...I can gain from everybody because everybody is important to the well being of the one body.
Lezah Promiseed
6/19/2011 11:06:29 am
Enjoyed a wonderful message today at Church. Hope everyone is enjoying life as much as I am today. Finally got a chance to watch the Video "Waiting For Superman" a documentary on the state of public education. Now I can tell you, we have something to pray about. It is sad for the children, who are our future. I thought I had the answer about 2 months ago when the discussion was a buzz on FB. I said home schooling was looking up and charter schools seemed to be an alernative. Now I'm just perplexed because the film made "Teachers" into unionized villains. I saw good parents and smart children spotlighted, but not enough teachers and principals stepping up. My Christian position is that "There is no other (name) or system in heaven or earth that can save us from our sin, but Jesus. We can't serve God and mammon. But I can't tell the world how to live. Righteousness, justice, and love are the virtues of the Church. Until parents are willing to receive the free gift of truth, they will continue to believe the lies taught by false-phophets(teachers), people who have found a way to make a dollar by enslaving weak people. True teachers are not afraid to teach Jesus because he is magnificient and the ideal for devine character (no one has ever found him to be false or corrupt). I guess I put a lot of the blame on the Church. Maybe if all these big church houses were schools, that would make a difference. My Church has several HBCUs and other parochial schools seem to fair better than public schools. If we Church people could just listen to the Lord, and tell our babies about what God has done for us, and how he wants to be first in our lives, we who have this hope know that "all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose". Because God who caused his light to shine in darkness has caused his light to shine in our hearts to give us the light of the KNOWLEDGE of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus (Corinthians--I think). I want to give credit to a great teacher who has help me to better see what my purpose isin christ...He is Dr. Ravi Zacharias at www.rzim.org and my FB friend. I want to hear from you because those who KNOW the Truth, listens to HIM. Comments are closed.
AuthorI am Hazel Edwards Chism, Community Activist, and Founder of Promise Seed CDC, Inc., a tax exempt not for profit in Tennessee. Archives
January 2025
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